When was the last time you thought about your home or auto insurance? Sure you think about it when it's time to make a premium payment or if you are misfortunate enough to make a claim. But have you thought about cutting costs by checking out auto and home insurance bundles in South Florida? This can save you a great deal of money and you might discover some additional benefits. Let's take the example case of Charlie and Myrtle M.

Myrtle and Charlie owned a lovely home in Coral Gables and they both had fairly new vehicles. Myrtle drove a 2 year old SUV and Charlie owned a four year old pickup truck. The couple had two kids in grade school and at times it was difficult meeting the household budget even though they both worked.

One evening they sat to discuss the budget and subject of insurance came up. Home insurance seemed to go up every year and car insurance was very expensive also. The couple discussed ways to save on insurance but Charlie wasn't too interested in changing companies. He had been with same company as his father but if you asked him why, he really couldn't tell you.

Myrtle brought up the subject of changing insurance companies but Charlie didn't want to go through all the trouble of comparing policies, coverage, and benefits. There were just too many companies to check out and all of them claimed to have the best deals on home and auto insurance bundles.

As the discussion became heated, their young son Benny interrupted. He told them to go to an independent insurance agent. In fact, the father of a friend of his was an insurance broker. Independent agents check out companies for you so you don't have to.

The couple knew the child made a lot of sense. Charlie contacted the man that evening and set up an appointment for a consultation.

Charlie and the agent talked for some time about insurance and they discussed many of the risk factors people in Coral Gables faced. The agent showed Charlie several options on insurance bundles and he was surprised just how much money he could save. Needless to say, Charlie changed his policies over and it turned out to be fateful day.

A year later, Myrtle was involved in a serious auto accident, when she lost control of her car after hitting a rock in the road. Her car damaged several other vehicles and the damage claims were in excess of $380,000. If Charlie had not turned his insurance over to an independent agent he would have only had $300,000 in total auto liability protection and responsible for the additional $80,000 in claims.

What Are Auto and Home Insurance Bundles?

An insurance bundle refers to combining two or more policies with the same insurance company like a package deal. It's as simple as taking out both your home and auto coverage with one insurer.

Who Should Consider Insurance Bundles?

If you own a home and auto you should consider bundling. However, this also applies to people that rent. Some companies offer substantial discounts to customers with both renters and car insurance.

Why Should I Take Out a Home and Auto Insurance Bundle?

The most obvious reason is the money you will save. However, there are other reasons to bundle. For example:

  • Convenience - it's much easier to have both car and homeowner insurance with the same company. For example, you can turn to the same company for auto insurance claims and questions. Just keep one phone number handy for both insurance needs.
  • One insurance claims adjuster
  • One deductible to deal with.

Are All Auto and Home Insurance Bundles the Same?

You may find a wide discrepancy in discounts and coverage options. This is why it is so important to choose the right source. Many people think you have to check out a huge number of companies and compare the good things and bad things, but it's not true. Comparison shopping is an enormous amount of work that you should not have to be bothered with.

Instead of running all over town or surfing the Web for hours, you only need to contact your independent insurance agent at Galt Insurance. As an independent agency, we are not tied down to only one insurance company. Think about this, when you go to a standard insurance agent, he or she only has one company to show you. Naturally, this person is going to try hard to convince you that his or her company is the best.

Your independent agent is working for you and checks with a lot of companies to find you the best possible deals. This person is not an insurance company rep, but your personal insurance advocate. In addition, your independent agent at Galt Insurance Group has a great deal of knowledge on risk management and will show you all the available options for home and auto insurance. We are one of the few agencies in South Florida that can offer you insurance bundle packages.

Come to Galt Insurance for a free insurance analysis and quote. Just fill out our quote form and we'll contact you. You also are welcome to call us toll free at 1-844-BUY-GALT.


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